• Inspiration


    This is a word that has spoken to me a lot lately, ‘insular’. I have been asking myself, where in the continuum of connectivity do I feel most natural, most myself, most alive? I realise I have to be careful with the parameters I place within the lens of my self reflection. If I was to evaluate my contentedness, what am I measuring? Comfort? Safety? This requires self knowledge. I have to ask myself, who am I as a soul and what is my purpose here? If I am here to grow, is comfort conducive for that? How does safety serve me? Am I seeking to stay safe, or am…

  • Inspiration

    The Miracle of Being Alive

    Ask yourself, when is the last time you have woken up with your body completely buzzing with energy? Every molecule of your being just bursting with vitality. Your eyes in absolute awe of the trillion pixel colour display in front of you, hungry to explore this immense world surrounding you. Your feet excited to pick up your weight and carry you anywhere your heart desires. Your ears curious and ready to receive any information the world is going to transmit to your frequencies. Your lungs eager to fill you up with tremendous life force, bringing your mind clarity, your spirit peace, and your body strength. Your heart beating with incredible…